Hi!! I am Niraj. Welcome to my portfolio!

Niraj Shrestha

CS Graduate | Data Analyst

Niraj Shrestha


About Me


Hi there 👋! I'm a recent graduate in computer system engineering from Nepal.

Welcome to my quirky developer portfolio! I'm a code wizard who loves gaming, coffee, and hiking ✌️. Get ready for a wild ride through my projects! From web to desktop apps, I'm always cooking up something cool.

My Work


AI Art Generator

Using flutter(dart) I have made a AI art generator using dallE(openAI API) to generate art.

Store Management System

Store management System developed in ASP.NET following MVC pattern.

Auto Response Clinic Chatbot

Hackathon project that I made for clinic where Chatbot assistant will help book made using PHP/Ajax.

Bank Application

Bank Application developed in Java with Spring.

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The End. Infinite loops and debugging since 2019.

Inspired by bokoko